Buy 6-APB ( Benzo fury)
Benzo fury -5-apb-benzo-fury is sold in the form of coloured tablets or ‘pellets’, as a white or brown powder,
or as variously coloured capsules. The appearance is not, however, a guarantee of content.
Administration of 5-APB
6-APB when sold as ‘6-APB can be swallowed or snorted in lines.
The powder version can also be rolled up in a cigarette paper and swallowed (‘bombed’).
Effects of 6-APB
Benzo is chemically similar to amphetamines (like speed) and to ecstasy,
Hence, people using Benzo fury may experience: Feeling very up, alert, chatty and energized.
Being ‘in tune’ with their surroundings and/or with music and colors feeling more intense.
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